Cancer :  Most common NCD 

by Sakshi Patkar
Cancer is recognized as the major noncommunicable disease which can not only be dangerous but also can take one’s life. Healthy cells in our bodies divide and replace themselves in a controlled manner. Cancer starts when a cell is altered so that it multiplies out of control. A tumor is a mass composed of a cluster of such abnormal cells.

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2.Tumors do not spread to other parts of the body, and do not create new tumors.
3.The major types of cancer are carcinoma,  sarcoma, melanoma, lymphoma, and leukemia.
4.The most commonly diagnosed cancers are skin, lungs, breasts, pancreas.
Symptoms of cancer
•Bladder changes
•Bleeding on Brushing
•Breast changes
•fever or night sweats
•Neaurological changes
•skin changes
Cancer treatment
Most people with cancer will have some type of surgery. The main goal is to remove tumors, tissue, or areas with cancer cells, such as lymph nodes.
2-Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. There are two ways to get it:
• “Traditional” Chemotherapy:   Chemo medications through an injection into a vein.
•Oral chemotherapy: In this patient swallow liquid, tablet, or capsule form at home. It works as well as other forms of chemotherapy for some types of cancer.
3-Radiation: This common treatment uses high-energy particles or waves to destroy or damage cancer cells to keep them from spreading.
4-Targeted therapy: In this drugs work against specific parts of cancer cells to keep them from growing or spreading.
5- Immunotherepy: Also called biologic therapy, which gets the body’s immune system to fight hormone.
6- Hormone therapy: Also called hormone treatment or hormonal therapy, which treats cancers that use hormones to grow (such as breast cancer and prostate cancer.
7-Stem cell transplants: Doctors use chemo or radiation to destroy as many cancer cells as possible, then try to replace them with healthy stem cells from bone marrow or blood.
8-Photodynamic therapy:  Doctors inject a special drug into the bloodstream, then use a specific type of light to make it kill cancer cells.
Photodynamic therapy
Lower the risk of cancer
•Drop the weight
•Eat less red meat
•Wear sunscreen
•Eat more vegetable
•Don’t count on supplement
•Cut down on sugar
•Get vaccinated
•Eat off the sauce
•Get screened