Motivational Quotes To Break Out Of Comfort Zone

by Bharti

1.   A ship is always safe at the shore but that is not what it is built for, likewise do not be safe by not doing anything because you are not born for it and start working on your body and quite wishing. Think of your workout as a scheduled meeting with yourself and you are the boss so you can’t cancel a meeting with yourself, scheduled by you. The modification of wanting is achieving, if you have discipline.

2.   The thirst for ease murders the soul and its passions. The real exercises start when you want to break your exercise, by giving up. Be fierce and when feeling like giving up just remember why you started and what made you started and for whom you are doing it.

3.   One can’t spell “CHALLENGE” without the word “CHANGE” if you want to rise and accept a challenge you have to make a change from your comfort zone. Time is already with you; just prioritize it for your health. Because at the end of the day what matters the most is a happy soul and great health.

4.   Do something uncomfortable today, by stepping out of your comfort zone, you never have to settle for what you are if you are not happy with it, but you always get to create what you want to become-where you are happy. After all, you earn your body and so get up and say to yourself that this is your therapy. You are the product of your efforts and exercises.

5.   Mindset is everything. Make a mindset to break your comfort zone. The hard part is not getting your body in shape the hard part is to get your mind in shape. Success in the gym is not possible with a lack of self-discipline. So stop wishing for a good body and good health and get up and start working on yourself. Nothing will work unless you do.

Happy man

6.   When you are about to give up remember the faces who said that you are not good enough and prove yourself to them and to yourself and for that, you have to keep going till you reach where you want to go. For that step out so far away from your comfort zone that you forget how to get back there. Lifting and eating should be your two favorite things in life.

7.   Things that are not easy are always worth doing. No pain, no gain, Shut up, and get a train. If you continue to push yourself through struggles and the hard times, it will be so worth it in the end because you will be one step near to your dreams. Stop complaining about an unhealthy body and start getting the train. Improvement in yourself should be your motivation.

8.   If you will sit on your sofa and will wait for the right time to come for you to start working out, I bet you, you are going to miss 100% of opportunities for starting work out. Outside the comfort zone, there is a place where all the magic happens,s and guess what, you are the magician. Get out of your comfort zone and do something today and continue doing it so that your future self will thank you for doing it and will thank you for not giving up on yourself.

9.   The biggest challenge is not to work out but the biggest challenge is to prepare yourself to work out by breaking comfort. Accept the challenge as every day is a new day to get another chance, to get another strong, to do something even better, to live healthier, and to be something which you could not be yesterday. To meet the best and happy up-gradation of yourself you have to come out of your comfort zone.

10. There is no pain in the comfort zone because there is no effort in the comfort zone. Life is like exercise, the harder it is the stronger you are going to become. So step away from your comfort zone work harder to become stronger and start feeling pain. At times you may be one workout away from turning your mood from bad to a great one.

11. If you will sit in your comfort zone and continue doing what you have been doing then you will never know what you do and what you are capable of and will never be something more than you are. Get up and be someone who you want to be as success comes to those who sweat for it. Do not stop unless and until you are proud.

12. We have to break the rules of our comfort zone and have to discover our fear because nobody cares for us the way you do so work harder than yesterday so that you can be trained for the future days. Working out gives you good physical and mental health to grow yourself. When you wait long for the results and when you give more input, the output will be more pleasurable and enjoyable.

confident person

13. The great things for you and your body are knocking on the door of your comfort zone and you just have to answer the door. You are as fresh as your idea of workout and you can begin anytime and anywhere. Train insanely if you do not want to be the same. Every workout is progress and every small progress matters when it comes to working out. No one can start over but can begin at any present time.

14. Comfort zone is in your mind and it is living in a box, if you want to do something outside the box then convince your mind and break the box. So step up and allow yourself to be a beginner as no one was born an expert and become an expert with practice and shock everyone with your results. Make your workout hour your happy hour.

15. If you want it worse than you must push yourself through your comfort zone, it’s not about badly you want it but it is about badly you want to go after it. If you want to do it you will find a way and if you do not want to do it you will always find an excuse.

16. Don’t expect your body to change if you are not willing to make a change for your body. It is not going to be easy at the beginning but in the end, it is going to be worth it.

17. No excuses..!! The excuses never lead to success and help you in just making yourself feel better and leads to failure without doing efforts. You are not always going to love the workout but you are going to enjoy the results. So stop making “what if” and work on yourself so you will be surprised to see the results of how “what if” works.

18. When nothing goes right do not go left, go and “LIFT”. Because you do not get what you wish for you get what you work for. You may not be there yet but at least you are somewhere closer and ahead of where you had been yesterday. Worry is you using your imagination poorly.

19. The only thing standing between you and your goals is the stupid excuses you keep telling yourself from doing things you should be doing. The fact that you are not where you wanted to be is enough motivation. So get motivated and blow your mind by working on yourself.

20.            In any moment you are always given two options, option 1 is to move forward into the growth, or the second option is to step back and into the safety-your comfort zone. Choose your option and if you choose option 1, do not let anyone ever work harder than you do.

21. I know you got what it takes but the potential without execution is nothing and as same as no potential at all. Remember one thing that your largest fear carries your greatest growth. Keep persistence until u succeed and achieve the goal which you have set for yourself.

22. If you want something you never had, you have to do things which you have never done before out of your comfort zone. If you are confused about choices, always go with the option that scares you the most as it is an option that will help you grow. Either you work for your body and see the results or wish for a body and get disappointed, the choice is yours.

Motivational quote induced Confidence

23. You may be disappointed if you fail but is it right to not even give a try and never fail.?? Your body is your slave and your body should work on your instructions, you do not have to be a slave of your body and let it get comfortable being lazy. You need to be as willful for working out as you are for not working out.

24. Rome was not built in one day but they worked hard on it every single day. You can’t cheat on your exercises and try to fool it as fitness is like a relationship, you can’t cheat and expect it to work. It only takes 90 days to create a new lifestyle and live the life you have always wanted. Strive for progress and not perfection.

25. The only wrong workout is, which did not happen. No matter if you are happy or sad, your heart only feels emotions, not your body so workout no matter what Don’t look for motivation and make your “WHY” clear, and once your “WHY” is clear, instead of finding motivation, you will be giving motivation to others. First, you will feel like you are dying, and then you will be reborn.

26. Be more comfortable being uncomfortable. Be more confident in being uncertain. Do not shrink back just because something is not easy. Push back and make more room in the area between where you can and you can’t. You do not want to make yourself regret not taking chances of working on yourself.

27. The beginning of your workout is always going to be difficult but it is better to cross the line and suffer the consequences than to just sit and do nothing. Comfortable and happy are not the same, do not misunderstand and settle for it for the rest of your life. And in the beginning, even if you stumble make it a part of your dance and do not quit.