Weight Loss by Yoga!

by Madhushree Ghosh

Initially, yoga used to perform for its stress-reducing capability. However, studies have shown that regular yoga could help you in weight loss immensely, along with enduring your health from several aspects. There are plenty of effectual yogas you can found which are skilled in this attempt of fighting obesity most naturally.

People must merge some useful yogasana techniques with the perfect diet plan, and losing weight would be easier for them than ever. The best of practicing yoga’s is that they not only burn stored-fats but also, work on the symptoms deeply, which cause obesity in a human body. Let’s find out the best ideas in weight loss by yoga techniques and the right time to apply them-


Start with Meditation:

Starting with meditation would be a great choice in yoga. It will make your mind peaceful and focused on your very next exercises.

Warm Up with Sun Salutation:

A little warm-up yoga could help you even more statistically here. Sun-salutation or Surya Namaskar is a great way to make your body flexible enough for any type of yogasana.


Incorporate Easy-to-Apply Yoga’s:

Try to begin with asana or yoga techniques, which are easy to practice. Power yoga, hot yoga, flowing yoga, etc. are applicable yoga tricks in this regard.

Try Diversity:

Use different poses after every few whiles to avoid being monotones in your exercise routine. As in, if you used to practice stretching for a few weeks, divert into muscle buildup tricks like inversions, backbends, forward-bends, etc.

Find Out Best Poses for Your Attempt:

Find out which sequences are best for your weight-loss program and include them in your routine immediately. Locust pose, cobra pose, bridge pose, bow pose, etc. are some easy poses you can try here. For the difficult ones, try lord of the fishes pose, the heat of the knee pose, star pose, corpse pose, etc.

yoga 4 you

Gradually Extend the Time frame:

Don’t try harder at the beginning and practice yoga not more than 30 minutes at the primary stage. Eventually increase the time frame, once you are habituated with the schedule.

Practice in Group:

And most importantly, try to make a yoga group with some of the yoga-freak people. This will help you to be more knowledgeable and motivated about this exercise category.