Skin splitting around nails? Here are the reasons and tips take care of cuticles

by Healthnews24seven Desk

Cuticle skin that is cracked and peeling is not appealing to anyone. Flaky skin around the nails can be quite unpleasant to look at as well as painful. Peeling skin can be uncomfortable and triggered by a variety of factors. In this article, we will tell you the reasons behind cuticle damage and tips to take care of them.

Causes behind Cuticle damage:

  • On a daily basis, our skin is exposed to a variety of environmental substances that might dehydrate it. Most environmental agents, which are one of the most prevalent triggering reasons for the drying up and eventual peeling of the skin. One of the most common causes of skin peeling is inherent dry skin or seasonal changes that create dry skin. The exposed surface of hands and feet is damaged by harsh environmental conditions such as dry summers and harsh winters.
  • In addition, nail-biting and picking at the skin around the nails can cause harm, and the raw skin can be painful.
  • Chemical Soap, detergents, and nail polish can also trigger an allergic reaction, causing skin inflammation and peeling.
  • Allergies to various cosmetics, such as nail polishes and acetone-based nail polish remover, as well as chemicals such as soap or detergents used in dishwashing or laundry, or the use of latex gloves, can all cause skin peeling.
  • A bacterial infection could be indicated by skin peeling, pain, and pus. Peeling that is accompanied by swelling, redness, and itching can be a sign of a fungal infection. Both diseases, she claims, necessitate medical evaluation and treatment.
  • The skin can also become dry and peel off as a result of a skin ailment or disease. Like, Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that causes redness, scaling, and cracking of the skin surrounding the fingers, as well as in and around the nails. Other skin disorders that cause dryness and changes include chronic eczema, atopic dermatitis, and pompholyx.
  • Skin peeling can be caused by a deficiency of certain vitamins and minerals in our bodies. Vitamin B, A, E, and C deficiency can all damage skin health, causing it dry, scaly, and ragged. A lack of nutrients in the body can cause changes in the skin, hair, and nails.

When to see a doctor?

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There’s no need to panic because most cuticle skin damage and peeling are caused by external factors. Home remedies, such as moisturizing the skin and taking preventive precautions, can be extremely beneficial. However, if the disease persists and you notice any other symptoms other than skin peeling, you should see a dermatologist right away.

How to prevent and take care of cuticle?

When it comes to maintaining the cuticle skin healthy and preventing peeling, prevention is always better than cure. But we should know both.

  • If your hands are just dry and chapped, consider using a moisturizing hand cream right away. Regularly massage the cream into the nail holes and onto your hands, particularly after meals. Emollients, petroleum jelly, or almond oil are all options.
  • Make sure you drink enough water to stay hydrated. At the same time, eat a balanced diet that includes at least five pieces of fruits and leafy vegetables of all colors to ensure that your body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs.
  • Excessive usage of alcohol-based hand sanitizers and cosmetics containing alcohol and acetone is not recommended.
  • Long-term sun exposure can cause sunburn and skin peeling, so always wear sunscreen on your hands and feet.
  • Bad behaviors including nail-biting, cuticle picking, and thumb-sucking should be avoided.
  • During manicure and pedicure, never allow removing the nail fold.

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