Healthy Lungs: Must include food items in your diet to fight winter pollution

by Shatakshi Gupta

Numerous Indian cities and towns have very poor air quality, which has led to an increase in skin, eye, and respiratory health concerns, particularly due to winter pollution. When your airways are irritated, you may experience shortness of breath or other symptoms like a cold or a cough. People who have had prior lung diseases may experience increased symptoms, such as an asthma attack or a flare-up of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

The lungs are vital organs that keep our bodies healthy by eliminating waste gases like carbon dioxide and supplying oxygen. As a component of the immune system, the lungs are particularly crucial because when we breathe, the air that is drawn into our lungs includes bacteria that can make us unwell. The lungs support bodily health by preventing the accumulation and growth of these undesirable elements. Consequently, it is crucial to improve the condition of our lungs.

You can take a number of steps to minimise or lessen the effect of air pollution on your lungs. Eating the following meals that are good for your lungs is one of them.


Turmeric is well known for its therapeutic qualities. It has a lot of anti-inflammatory qualities and is high in antioxidants. Indian households frequently utilise turmeric, which is modestly added to sabzis and milk. Curcumin, a substance found in turmeric, aids in clearing your respiratory system and boosting your immune system to fend off viral infections.


Flaxseeds are good for both your heart and lungs. These are high in omega-3 fatty acids and phytoestrogens, which can aid in preventing allergic reactions like those brought on by pollution. These can be roasted and eaten on their own or added to dishes like salads, smoothie bowls, oatmeal, and others.


Your problems due to air pollution may be alleviated by this superfood. You can either add them to your daily tea or boil them in water and drink the lukewarm brew. Health professionals claim that regularly consuming tulsi juice (ask your doctor for the dosage) will help clear contaminants from your respiratory system. Tulsi plants produce a lot of oxygen and absorb toxic gases like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and sulphur dioxide, thus keeping one at home has additional advantages.


Amla, a different potent antioxidant that is high in vitamin C, need to be consumed every day. Your ability to fend against infections is strengthened. Experts advise choosing ripe and golden amlas rather than raw, green ones since they are more nutrient-dense.

Leafy green vegetables

Green leafy greens like spinach are once again in season as of. Due to the high antioxidant content of spinach and other green leafy vegetables, now is a great time to consume green juice and saag. This may lessen inflammation in the lungs. These meals fight off the body’s excess free radical production, which can be bad for your health.


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Because ginger includes components like gingerol and others that help reduce inflammation in the body, it can also aid with coughing. According to studies, ginger has the power to detoxify the body and act as a decongestant.


Iron-rich jaggery, sometimes referred to as gur in India, is a common sweetener. Jaggery can assist raise the blood’s haemoglobin levels, which will increase the blood’s ability to carry oxygen. This aids in eradicating problems with breathing brought on by pollution.



A great source of omega-3 fatty acids is fish. According to studies, omega-3 fatty acids can reduce brain inflammation and shield the body from heart conditions like arrhythmia, heart failure, and heart attacks. Additionally, it has been discovered that omega-3 fatty acids can shield the brain against neurotoxins like lead and mercury that are present in smog.


Because it includes nitrates, which improve lung function, beetroot is one of the healthiest meals for lungs. According to numerous studies, the nitrates in beetroot help relax blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Additionally, it is ideal to maximise oxygen intake and raise blood oxygenation levels. As a result, doctors advise patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease to drink beetroot juice.


Peppers are still another excellent meal for maintaining lung health because they are the richest source of Vitamin C, a nutrient that is soluble in water. It contains a lot of vitamin C and functions in your body as a potent antioxidant. According to numerous studies, smokers benefit from increased vitamin C intake since it helps to improve lung function. Therefore, it is advised to consume medium-sized sweet red pepper because it is so beneficial for lung health.


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Due to its numerous health advantages, particularly those for lung health, blueberries are regarded as a superfood. It is included in the list of fruits healthy for lungs because it contains the antioxidant flavonoid anthocyanin, which has been discovered to preserve the lungs as we age. Additionally helpful in reducing COPD development, flavonoids.

Green tea

One of the finest meals for cleaning the lungs is green tea, which helps patients with chronic respiratory conditions and those who regularly breathe contaminated air. Green tea should also be a regular part of the diets of those with asthma, COPD, and cystic fibrosis since it will aid in their recovery after exposure to pollution.

Red cabbage

One of the best and most natural ways to lessen the symptoms of numerous diseases, including lung problems, is to consume red cabbage. It is a fantastic alternative for treating lung problems and is regarded as the greatest treatment that is economical and easily accessible. They are a great source of anthocyanins and can slow the deterioration of lung function when included in a diet.