Not just for decoration! You can eat these 10 flowers for health benefits

by Shatakshi Gupta

Although floral centrepieces at the dinner table are a traditional and time-honored practise, flowers occasionally appear on your food as well. There are edible flowers on menus all around the world and they are utilised in many different types of cuisine.

While not all flowers are edible, those that are may provide a distinctive burst of taste and colour to a variety of foods, including salads, sauces, drinks, and entrees. Some of them might even have health advantages.

Here are 10 edible flowers that may be healthy.


Hibiscus plants are typically found in tropical and subtropical regions of the world, where they produce big, elaborate flowers. There are hundreds of different hibiscus species, but the roselle or Hibiscus sabdariffa is the most widely consumed edible form.

Hibiscus is popular for its culinary and medicinal uses while occasionally being produced only for decorative purposes.

Although the blossom can be consumed directly from the plant, it is more frequently used in tea, relishes, jams, and salads. Hibiscus tea is popular throughout the world due to its therapeutic benefits.

A greater understanding of how hibiscus can promote heart health will require more research, but some studies suggest that it may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.


The best-known use of dandelions is as obstinate garden weeds. However, they also serve as an extremely nutrient-dense edible flower.

They provide a variety of plant substances that are known to have potent antioxidant capabilities. It’s interesting to note that dandelion leaves can also be consumed. In actuality, the roots, stems, and leaves of this supposedly undesirable plant are all edible.

The greens can be eaten fresh as a salad or as a sandwich topping, while the roots are frequently steeped to produce tea. They can also be prepared in dishes that call for hearty greens, such as stews and casseroles.


Originally planted in portions of northern Africa and the Mediterranean, lavender is a woody, flowery herb. The most well-known attribute of lavender is arguably its characteristic scent, which is prized for its relaxing properties.

Lavender is a very enticing addition to a range of meals, including baked products, infused syrups, liqueurs, herbal teas, dry spice rubs, and herb mixes because of its colour and aroma.

It’s recommended to start with a tiny amount of lavender when cooking and increase it gradually until you have the flavour you want because it can easily become overwhelming.


There are around 200 species of honeysuckle, but the Japanese and woodbine types are the most widespread. The aromatic blossoms, which are usually white or light yellow, contain nectar that can be consumed right off the flower.

For millennia, the use of honeysuckle has been essential in traditional Chinese medicine. For the treatment of a variety of inflammatory disorders, the flowers’ extracts are taken orally or topically applied to the skin. Its effectiveness as a human medicine remedy, however, has not been demonstrated scientifically.

The most popular uses for honeysuckle in the culinary world are to make tea or a fragrant, tasty syrup. The syrup can be used as a sugar substitute in quick bread recipes as well as to sweeten iced tea, lemonade, yoghurt, and sorbet.

Although the honeysuckle flower and its nectar are completely safe to consume, be aware that some of the berries might be poisonous if consumed in large numbers.


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Nasturtium Because of its vibrantly coloured flowers and distinct, savoury flavour, nasturtium is a favourite in the culinary world.

The nasturtium plant has edible leaves and blossoms that can be eaten fresh or cooked. Despite the fact that the blooms themselves are gentler than the leaves, they have a peppery, somewhat spicy flavour character.

Nasturtium is a versatile and attractive ingredient that is also healthy, as it contains a number of minerals and chemicals that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.


Borage, often known as starflower, is a herb that blossoms with small, star-like flowers. The flowers can also be white or pink but are often blue.

Borage is a common herbal remedy for treating mild illnesses like a cough or sore throat. However, there is little human research to back up its effectiveness as a medicinal treatment.

The flowers can be cooked and added to soups, sauces, or stuffed pasta fillings. They can also be eaten fresh in a salad or as a garnish for desserts and cocktails. Additionally, you can serve borage as a side dish of just vegetables.


The succulent plant known as purslane has thick, fleshy leaves and tiny, golden blooms that are both delicious and can be consumed either cooked or uncooked.

In the past, purslane was viewed as little more than a garden weed. But because of its high nutritious content, demand for this tiny plant has suddenly risen.

Although it is chock-full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, the omega-3 fats are its main nutritional claim to fame. In fact, more omega-3s are present in purslane than in practically any other vegetable of its sort.

Purslane blossoms and leaves can be used raw in a variety of salads and sandwiches. As a side dish or addition to your preferred soups, they can also be sautéed or boiled with other vegetables. You might even think of frying and battering this plant.


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There are more than 150 types of roses that come in practically every size and colour imaginable. The fact that they are all edible is the finest part. But not every rose has the same flavour.

When selecting a tasty rose, a decent rule of thumb is to assume that it will taste good if it smells nice. However, only consume the petals as the leaves and stems are not particularly appetising as a snack.

They can be added dried to cereal or mixed herbs, eaten raw, or combined with different fruits or green salads.

Roses may provide health advantages, just like many other edible flowers. According to certain studies, some chemicals found in roses may contribute to relaxation and anxiety reduction.


Pansies are also highly aesthetically pleasing when eaten.

Pansies typically taste mild, fresh, and barely flowery, though there can be some flavour variance depending on the variety.

Pansies are a wonderful ornamental accent to delicacies like pastries, cakes, and cookies since they come in such a wide range of colour variants. Before including the petals in your dish, candy them for an added touch of flair.

In addition to being an interesting addition to food, pansies are a rich source of several strong plant chemicals that are known to have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.


The flowering herb chamomile has long been utilised in traditional medicine and cookery. In medicine, chamomile is frequently used to ease anxiety and enhance sleep.

In order to extract the tastes and medicinal chemicals from the flowers, most recipes call for boiling the flowers in a liquid. Although they can be utilised fresh, the leaves and blooms are typically first dried.

The blooms can be used to make syrups or other infusions for baked goods, smoothies, or desserts in addition to chamomile tea, which is the most common use for them.