Care For Window Of Your Body, Know About Oral Health Problems

by Sakshi Patkar
Oral Health Problems
The mouth is a window into the health of your body. It can show signs of nutritional deficiencies or general infection. Systemic diseases, those that affect the entire body, may first become apparent because of mouth lesions or other oral problems. An increase in choices of food is resulting in various oral problems, that can result in various infections and diseases.
Whether you are a baby, young, adult or old age Oral health care is essential for everyone.
Facts about dental and oral health
According to world health organizations
1 – Between 60 and 90 percent of school children have at least one dental cavity
 2- Adults ages 35 to 44 have severe gum diseases.
3-About 30 percent of people around the world ages, 65 to 74 don’t have any natural teeth left in most country
4-there are between 1 and 10 cases of oral cancer burden of oral disease.
Symptoms of oral 
Ulcers, sores, bleeding gums after brushing or flossingchronic, bad breath, sudden,  sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures or beverage, pain with chewing or citing swelling, clicking of the jaw, cracked or broken teeth, frequent dry mouth.
Causes of dental and oral diseases
Oral cavity collects all sorts of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Some of them belong there, making up the normal flora of your mouth. They’re generally harmless in small quantities. but a large amount leads to major problems.
• Smoking
•poor brushing habit
•snacking on sugary food
• Drinking habits
• Diabetes
• Use of medications that reduce the amount of saliva in the mouth
• Genetics
• Infections, such as HIV and AIDS •Hormonal changes in women acid reflux
•frequent vomiting due to the acid
Major problems
1- Cavities
These are areas of the tooth that have been permanently damaged and may even have holes in them. Cavities are most common.
2-Gum disease 
Gum disease
It is inflammation of the gums. It’s usually the result of plaque building up on your teeth due to poor brushing and flossing habits.
3-Sensitive teeth
Sensitive teeth
If your teeth are sensitive one might feel pain or discomfort after having cold or hot foods or beverages. a root canal is a treatment.
4- Oral cancer
Oral cancer
Tobacco use, such as smoking and chewing tobacco, is the biggest risk for oral cancer.
5-Cracked or broken teeth
Cracked or broken teeth
A tooth can crack from an injury to the mouth, chewing hard foods. A cracked tooth can be very painful.
Cleaning, fluoride toothpaste, antibiotics, filling cracks, root canal, probiotics, dental treatment, avoid junk food.